Sunday, December 8, 2013

America: Reduced to Anemia

America: Reduced to Anemia

                Dominating America is a form of malevolent and vindictive class warfare. Jobs are scarce while the economy is failing miserably. In his article “Real Unemployment Rate: 22.5%,” Jerome Corsi reports that the unemployment rate in America is at nearly twenty-two percent. As the unemployment rate is spiraling out of control, politicians are pointing fingers at one another claiming that the other is the cause of the worsening economy. Society is wholly exhausted from all of the work that it takes simply to find a decent, well-paying job. Some of these people find employment in areas in which they have not been trained for. Those who are not lucky enough to find jobs are on welfare that is provided by the government. Yet even those who do find jobs are not safe. Businesses are constantly firing employees because the businesses simply cannot afford to pay their employees. In succession, those in the government have finally turned to Socialistic views and policies as a last resort. Although some people are beginning to presume Socialistic views and imposing them upon an already economically unstable America, I think that there is still hope for America and its economy because Americans do not have to become dependent upon Socialism to provide for them since they have so much working potential instilled within them already.
                People are continually grasping for a solution to the failing economy. Both laborers and employees seem to be working extremely hard only to earn minimum wage. Karl Marx sympathizes with “these labourers, who must sell themselves piecemeal, are a commodity, like every other article of commerce, and are consequently exposed to all the vicissitudes of competition, to all the fluctuations of the market,” (Manifesto 61). Seemingly, the only jobs to find are small jobs in which the pay is exceedingly low. The employers of these poor workers must be the cause of the financial problems of the laborers. Marx implies that the employers are extraordinarily avaricious and self-centered. He also insists that these employers are constantly lowering the minimum wage because of their lust for money. This leads them to underpay their own laborers.
                Although the Socialistic views of Karl Marx and The Communist Manifesto may seem logical and appealing in the extreme, there are faults with their ideas. It is true that some businessmen and employers are acquisitive and only care about money. However, to put all managers into this group is entirely unfair. There is a point in time in which one must take responsibility for one’s own actions and stop blaming other people for one’s faultiness.
The Socialist party has constructed its own remedy for the economy. It declares Unions to be the answer. The Communist Manifesto says that Unions “club together in order to keep up the rate of wages; they found permanent associations in order to make provision beforehand for these occasional revolts,” (63). Unions support employees by providing for them and also by standing up for them against their greedy employers. These Unions compose rules and regulations which are voted on by employees who are part of any one Union. Unions could possibly be very beneficial because they aid the poor and the family unlike the employers who have “torn away from the family its sentimental veil, and [have] reduced the family relation to a mere money relation,” (58). In other words, managers seem not to care anything about the family of the individual who is working for them. They appear to be seeing their employees as mere money-makers who can profit the business owner himself.
Society views a job mainly as a source of income. However, Dorothy Sayers, in her popular dissertation Why Work?, explains that “work is not, primarily, a thing one does to live, but the thing one lives to do. It is, or it should be, the full expression of the worker’s faculties, the thing in which he find spiritual, mental, and bodily satisfaction, and the medium in which he offers himself to God,” (134-135). It is essential that one must work to his or her full capacity because that is how he or she can enjoy his or her work. So many people hate their jobs today because they have never been taught the principles that Dorothy Sayers clarifies. Unions, therefore, seem very appealing to people because they do not want to have to work hard at something that they hate doing. Unions provide an easy escape from tiresome and menial labor. In the end, this way of thinking and living teaches extreme irresponsibility and does not benefit society as a whole.
                One cannot, however, overlook what the Unions actually say they will do for people. For instance, in Article Three of the Communications Workers of America Constitution, it states that one of their objects is “to improve the conditions of the workers with respect to wages, hours, working conditions and other conditions of employment” (CWA Constitution. Art. III, Sec. b). This Union practically guarantees the financial success of their members. In order to avoid unfair wages and to guarantee the success of its members, this Union ensures its members that it will “do all things which may be necessary or proper to secure for the workers the enjoyment of their natural rights,” (CWA Constitution. Art. III, Sec. e). These Unions can help the economy by helping workers get paid more. As a result of people earning a better salary, people have the ability to spend more money and therefore promote the circulation of money and further benefit the overall success of the economy.
                Although the Unions claim that they will do everything in their power to ensure the financial gain of their workers, they cannot completely guarantee the success of any of their members. Historically, Unions have been known to go on strike and not work until they get paid higher wages. This has to do with an incessant desire for more money. What Union members fail to realize, however, is that by refusing to work and demanding higher wages leads employers to either raise their employees’ wages or fire their employees and hire new ones. What Union members fail to realize, however, is that in the event that their wages are raised, their employers will be forced to charge more for the product that he manufactures or the services he provides since he must be able to pay his employees more money. As a result of higher prices, customers will be discouraged from purchasing any products and the economy will therefore worsen.
In order to truly aid the economy, it is pertinent that people must find work doing things that they love. Sayers, in Why Work?, gives the example of a creator looking down upon his creation; the creator puts a “loving labor into some hobby which can never bring him any economically adequate return,” (135). As a result, the creator serves his work by loving it and not viewing it with the mindset that it is not work, but a joy to do. He creates because he genuinely loves to do so. As soon as the purpose of working is twisted into the need for money instead of pure enjoyment, people become greedy and restless. One will not simply be satisfied with simply doing his job because it is something that he loves to do, rather; he will constantly desire wealth above the simple pleasure of doing what he loves to do which, in turn, will allow him to become angry and bitter toward Society. He will begin to claim that Society does not pay them well enough and is responsible for his hardships and suffering. This is a factor which leads people to turn to Socialism and the Unions, since people believe that only Socialism and Unions can help them get more money out of their jobs.
                As a result of people acting upon their lustful desires for money, America has succumbed to an anemic work ethic. America’s economic strength and vitality are crumbling. The more citizens become dependent upon Unions or other people to provide for them, the greater the anemia spreads throughout the country. Also, if people are working only because they need money or they want to receive Union benefits, they will, undoubtedly, not care about the quality of work that they are doing (133). It is not surprising that people do not work hard at something they do not love because they are selfish. This attitude of irresponsibility and self-centeredness contributes to America’s anemic economy in that people may only want to look after themselves. 
                Because of this incessant irresponsibility that is being taught to society through the means of Socialism, the common consequence of reaping and sowing has been completely forgotten and is now only a distant memory or an old-fashioned parable told by people who seem too pious and cautious. Sayers agrees with this parable by saying, “what most of us demand from society is that we should always get out of it a little more than the value of the labor we give to it. By this process, we persuade ourselves that society is always in our debt—a conviction that not only piles up actual financial burdens, but leaves us with a grudge against society (136). Society is continuously expecting to get more out of their job than they put into it. For instance, one cannot fill up a tank of gas in a car half-way and then turn around and expect the car to produce an outcome that is dependent upon a full tank of gas. The same can be said of people in today’s culture and society. People do not work to their full potential because they are either apathetic and hate their jobs or else they are too dependent on the Unions and Socialism to pay them for their anemic work ethic. These people expect to gain as much income as those who actually work to their full potential. This laziness is spreading like a disease and that is exactly why Socialism was created; in order to be “fair” to both the hard workers who earn what they work for and the lazy, irresponsible ones who think they deserve more than what they work for.  
 Although some view Socialism as a possible remedy for America's poor economy, it is not a valid solution because if people are only working for financial gain then people will not work at all since they have the government to provide for them. Underpaid workers are being crushed by money-seeking employers. As a result, Unions coddle these so-called “poor” workers and demonize the employers and managers. However, society as a whole is the real issue. Society has become too expectant upon jobs to be the source of its income when, in reality, jobs should not be merely a source of income. Rather, one should love his or her job. In addition, society is becoming lazy and apathetic because they are expecting more out of their jobs than they are putting into their jobs. Even though there is not one answer to remedy the economy, one way in which to change the economy for the better is for people to work because they love it and are good it and not merely because they need an income.

Works Cited

Beirne, Joe. "CWA Constitution." Communications Workers of America: Union for the Information Age
   Communications Workers of America, 2013. Web. 19 May 2013.
Corsi, Jerome. "Real Unemployment Rate: 22.5%." WND. N.p., 2 May 2012. Web. 20 May 2013.
Marx, Karl. The Communist Manifesto. London: Norton & Company, Inc., 1988. Print.
Sayers, Dorothy L. Letters to a Diminished Church. Nashville: Thomas Nelson, Inc. 2004. Print.

Friday, November 29, 2013


NOTE: Please don't ask me what the name of this post is supposed to mean. I was feeling quite tired when I posted it, so, I guess the moral of the story is; never write when you're tired (pretty lame, I'll admit).

Old people. Today, I want to talk about old people. My youth pastor likes to call them “olderly” people. Anyways, how many times have you heard someone say “old people don’t know anything,” or “old people are so slow and old-fashioned” (by the way, the list of mean things people say about olderly folks goes on)? Unfortunately, I too am guilty of saying at least one of the aforementioned. I am actually quite ashamed of it because, you see, old people are absolutely, unquestionably, indubitably, AWESOME!

Here are some reasons (both good and lame) why: 

1. You can never surprise an old person. Chances are they’ve seen the good, the bad, and the ugly during their lifetime. Heck, they’ve probably done some bad things when they were younger, but that’s just a wild guess ;).
2. Olderly people usually carry around Kleenex. So, when you’re sitting in church and a random allergy attack comes out of nowhere, lean over to the old person sitting next to you and politely ask for a Kleenex.
3. Old people are so darn FRIENDLY! I was helping out at a food distribution for the needy and this older man totally started talking to me about his life…admittedly, it might sound kind of creepy, but I assure you that it wasn’t!
4. Old people are free to be themselves. Most of them (I venture to say) couldn’t care less about what you think of them. Of course, they want to appear warm and friendly, but, heck, have you ever seen a really older person rockin’ modern threads? QED. (By the way, for all you newbies, QED is a Latin phrase “quod erat demonstrandum,” which basically means “proven by demonstration.” Voila! You’ve learned something new today! :)
5. Man, if sleepovers were events that grandparents could attend, there would be some serious dissing. I mean, at sleepovers people like to tell these (boring) stories about how they broke up with their boyfriend/girlfriend or else the latest drama at school. If you add old people into the equation, what do you get? (I can hear you rolling your eyes thinking, “Life lessons with Grandma…” but you’re wrong!) You get one-upped with every story you tell! HA! Here’s how I imagine it would go: 

Girl: OHEMGEE! Elmer kissed me in the library today! My first kiss ever!!! (blah blah blah)

Grandma: How nice. My first kiss ended up saving the entire planet from an attack that would’ve made you obliterated into smithereens, girl! Let me tell you how it happened…

6. NINJA OLD PEOPLE. The master at this Tae Kwon Do place where my sister goes is super old. I can picture it now: two masked robbers are in the process of robbing the same bank that this little old man is in. The robbers scream “Everyone down on the ground!” The little old man patiently hobbles over to them and declares “I can’t, I’m sorry, but I can’t because of my arthritis.” As he says this, the robbers are stunned at his audacity. The little old man takes this precious moment to do all sorts of various kicks, jabs, and pressure points on them. I can see the headlines “100 Year old Man Gives Bank Robbers the Fight of their Lives.”
7. CRIMES (random, I know). Okay, this might seem sort of strange, but while I’m on the topic of robberies and the sort, how about bad guys who are really old? I mean, no one would EVER suspect the little old lady of doing anything criminal, right? Most olderly people seem so innocent!
8. Most olderly people get their own personal chauffeurs! That, in and of itself, is pretty darn amazing. Come on, you must admit that not having to drive yourself everywhere sounds somewhat relaxing.
9. Grandparents are THE BEST at spoiling kids rotten. Trust me; I’ve been there. For some reason, it seems like most grandparents have an unending surplus of money that appears out of nowhere at every holiday or birthday. I mean, it’s practically like magic the way they make money appear! (I say money because my grandparents give me money, not specific items :)
10. One day you, too, will be old. NUFF SAID.

So, the next time you catch yourself either thinking or saying a rude, nasty, contemptible thing about olderly people, just shut your mouth right on the spot and think of # 10 on this list.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Helpful Tips for Surviving Another Year of School

10 Tips for a Successful School Year:
1.     FIND A HOBBY! Having a hobby will allow you to take your mind off of the monotony of school and school drama. It gives you a nice break.
2.     CLEAN YOUR ROOM! Try to clean your room every morning so that when you come home from school, you can look forward to crashing in a nice, clean room.
3.     ALWAYS GO TO CHURCH! It is an all-around stress reliever and, trust me; your walk with God will become so much closer after just one month of laborious school.
4.     LIGHT A CANDLE OR SPRAY SOME FEBREZE! Good smells can relieve stress and put you in a better mood.
5.     Look forward to events! This will make the school days practically fly by. Schedule a sleep-over with your besties, or plan a game of cosmic mini-golf. Everyone needs a break from the dreariness of school life!
6.     DO NOT TO COUNT-DOWNS-TILL-SUMMER! You will simply become too depressed if you do this! But I do recommend doing it about a month BEFORE summer! That way you REALLY have something to look forward to!
7.     TRY A NEW HAIRSTYLE! If your hair is long and straight, try curling it overnight and putting it up in a high pony before you head out the door for school so that you have a beautiful cascade of curls. Or, if you have short hair, try to pin it back with a cute ribbon or bow. You could even try making a small pompadour out of your bangs! 
9.     ACCESSORIZE! Don’t go to school plain! Go out and buy (or make) some cute clothing item and look forward to wearing it the next day. Add a little pizazz to your style with a cute bow, cascading ribbon, new pair of shoes,
10.                        TELL YOURSELF THAT YOU ABSOLUTELY LOVE YOUR CLASSES! Even if you completely, 100% hate the class that you’re taking, DO THIS. It is better to be optimistic than pessimistic because if you tell yourself you really like something, then you will most likely end up doing better in the class!

Sunday, September 29, 2013

The Battle within My Mind

This post is just my mind sort of wandering and thinking about sweet stuff like memories and such. Actually, I wrote it before I changed schools...during a time in which I was feeling quite fearful of my future. Enjoy :)

I look ahead: unknowing and unsure of my final destination. Unmitigatedly terrified by that which I do not know and cannot see, I cling to my fears for a provincial sense of security. Seeing no light ahead of me, I delve deeper into the dark recesses of my mind. There, I find the renegade fears of my over-stimulated imagination. These fears promise me that the security they bring isn’t ephemeral. Albeit, the fears assume that they can overtake me, they have made one error: they have failed to realize that memories follow after them. Suddenly, memories that I thought were evanescent come rushing into my mind simultaneously. Both pleasant and dark memories invade my mind. However, the good memories mitigate the clutching grasp of fear and his ally; the dark memory. As I slowly contemplate more of these good memories, I find that all of my woes are gone. Those ominous fears have been quelled by the good memories. Memories of laughter, giddy joy, and smiling flood the labyrinth of my mind. I have lived a good life. Why should I look forward with fear by my side? I should look down the now dark tunnel of my life with the anticipation of more good memories. Good times are not transient: I will forever hold onto them by the means of memories. Indeed, I have nothing to fear! That now dark, foreboding tunnel of my life will soon be alight with warmth, joy, and peace.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Why the Name of This Blog?

So, you might be wondering, "What the heck does her blog name mean?" or else, "That blog name is SO cliche." Well, I can't help that :) All I can do is tell you exactly why I have named my Blog "It's Time to Stand."

After getting into a heated debate with one of my friends one evening, I went home and stewed over the fact that she was "so stupid" and wondered to myself how she could possibly have the opinions that were (to me at least) so blatantly wrong, illogical, irrational, and wholly unorthodox.

I know so many people my age who assume that they can "think for themselves" simply because they have opinions that they call "their own." However, the opinions that they have are more often than not spoon-fed to them by the media, Hollywood, as well as other prominent figures in the culture.

As a result of the influence upon young people's minds by the media and other such forces, wrong seems right, light is extinguished, up becomes down, and hypocrisy is applauded. Thus, in an effort to promote logical thinking as well as a different worldview, I have decided to write this blog.

I think it's high time for the youth of the world to begin thinking critically and to really question (for themselves, of course) what they are hearing in the media and such. It is time for the generations of youth to stand against things that  are both subtly and blatantly evil, to stand up for the good in the world, to cease being apathetic about world issues, to defend the liberty of all people, to promote God above all else, and to pursue integrity wholeheartedly.

As well as blogging about various issues that I see in the world (from political to doctrinal), I will  also be blogging some things that I find inspirational, or at least give me a break from the monotony of school. So, please enjoy!

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Too Many Wishes For One Memory

My Friend,
I wish you were here right now, to see what I can see, to feel what I am feeling. I wish you could feel the warm evening summer breeze delicately brush past your skin and blow through your hair. I wish you could look up and see the feather-like pine boughs floating overhead, with the warm sun’s glow illuminating them and making them one flaming pine. I dearly wish that you could see the sunlight dancing with the shadows on a carpet of cool, green grass. I wish you could hear the heart-warming sound of children laughing in the distance. That you could take a long, deep breath of the jasmine infused air. I wish that you could salute the majestically grand veteran American Flag, which waves triumphantly yet solemnly in the summer zephyr. That you could close your eyes with me and listen to the leaves rustle as the wind tousles them. I wish you could sit here with me, our backs to the cool grass, and watch the lazy clouds drift aimlessly through the sky as the sun gradually sinks behind the hills, only to appear again tomorrow and illuminate the world with more warmth and brightness. I wish you were here: experiencing the very epitome of perfect beauty. I wish you were here with me. But you can never be here with me, experiencing this. Because, by the time you read this, all of it; the perfect beauty, will be only a very distant memory. All the same, I still wish you were here. 

Me in the Past.